Temporary Waivers

  • Level 1 Certificate Programs
    • A student who is enrolled in a Level I workforce certificate program of 42 or less (degree plan must be on file).
    • Eligible students should send and email with their name and CWID number to TSI_info@3dtvreviewsblog.com to request this waiver.
  • Active Military Waiver
    • A student who is currently serving on active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States, the Texas National Guard, or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States and has been serving for at least three (3) years preceding enrollment.
    • Eligible students should submit a current LES statement with a completed CTCC form to TSI_info@3dtvreviewsblog.com.
  • College Prep 2 Year Waiver
    • A student who has successfully completed College Preparatory courses through their high school* or through Texas College Bridge is eligible to receive a waiver for two (2) years from the date of high school graduation if they have successfully completed the program. 
    • Successful completion of College Prep English/Language Arts allows for a two year waiver for Reading and Writing. 
    • Successful completion of College Prep Math allows for a two year waiver for Math.
    • Unofficial high school transcripts* &/or Texas College Bridge certificates can be submitted for a temporary CTCC waiver to allow for faster course registration when emailed with the completed CTCC form.
    • Official high school transcripts* will be required to finalize the College Prep Waiver.
    • Official Texas College Bridge certificates must be submitted through the student's GreenLight Locker to Collin College to finalize the College Prep Waiver.: 

*Note: Collin College will only accept high school transcripts for the college prep waiver from high schools with whom we have an official agreement. Transcripts are not accepted from schools who have not signed this agreement.